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Here you can find our publications with links, which will direct you to the paper and other information.

The long road to precision pediatric sleep medicine

The management of sleep disturbances in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): an update of the literature

Samuele Cortese, Guilherme Fusetto Veronesi, Alessandra Gabellone, Anna Margari, Lucia Marzulli, Emilia Matera, Maria Giuseppina Petruzelli, Francesco Maria Piarulli, Fabio Tarantino, Alessio Bellato, Valeria Parlatini, Ebba Du Rietz, Henrik Larsson, Samantha Hornsey, Cathy Hill & Lucia Magari (2024).

Prospective associations between ADHD symptoms and physical conditions from early childhood to adolescence: a population-based longitudinal study

Cédric Galera, Ophélie Collet, Massimiliano Orri, Marie Navarro, Laura Castel, Charline Galesne, Claire Reed, Valerie Brandt, Henrik Larsson, Michel Boivin, Richard Tremblay, Sylvana Côté, Samuele Cortese


Association between relative age at school and persistence of ADHD in prospective studies: an individual participant
data meta-analysis

Prevalence of sleep disorder diagnoses and sleep medication prescriptions in individuals with ADHD across the lifespan: a Swedish nationwide register-based study

Sleep related rhythmic movement disorder: phenotypic characteristics and treatment response in a paediatric cohort

Hannah Joels, Alexa Benny, Amy Sharpe, Bianca Postigo, Brijil Joseph, Chiara Piantino, Anneken Marshall, Vanessa Hewertson, Catherine Hill

The impact of sleep difficulties in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder on the family: a thematic analysis

Blandine French, Emily Quain, Joseph Kilgariff, Joanna Lockwood, David Daley

2023 Oct 1;19(10):1735-1741 

doi: 10.5664/jcsm.10662

Variation in sleep profiles in children with ADHD and associated clinical characteristics

Emma Sciberras, Harriet Hiscock, Samuele Cortese, Stephen P. Becker, Julian W. Fernando, Melissa Mulraney

Sleep and ADHD: Adding pieces to the puzzle

Samuele Cortese, Catherine Hill

Sleep Medicine

2023 Mar;103:144-145.

doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2023.02.002

DISCA study publication

Conferences & Presentations

Title: Association for Respiratory Technology and Physiology meeting


Brighton, UK

Attendees: Dr Sam Hornsey (presented a recorded presentation instead of attending face to face due to illness)

Summary: Invitation to speak about Sleep problems in Children with ADHD at annual confernece of ARTP. Audience largely professionals working as sleep physiologists. Overview of DISCA programme provided at conclusion of presentation with links to website. Subsequent media release by MIMS Learning entitled 'Highlights from the Association for Respiratory Technology and Physiology Annual Conference”.

Title: European Network for Hyperkinetic Disorders (EUNETHYDIS) meeting

18 to 20/09/2023

Montpellier, France

Attendees: Professor Samuele Cortese,Dr Sam Hornsey, Professor David Daley, Lucy Smith and Professor Emily Simonoff


Samantha gave an overview of the DISCA study plans and presented some of the early findings from:

  • our review of the published evidence on what techniques help children with sleep problems;

  • the interviews she carried out with parents/carers of children with ADHD and sleep problems.


The team had lots of fascinating and productive discussions with international colleagues about how we can better support families of children with ADHD and sleep problems.

DISCA team Montpellier.jpg

Title: British Sleep Society bi-ennual conference


Leeds, UK

Attendees: Professor Cathy Hill, Dr Sam Hornsey


Samantha presented the preliminary findings from our qualitative interview study exploring parents/carers' experiences of managing sleep problems among children with ADHD.

Sam BSS.jfif

Title: South-West Society for Academic Primary Care annual conference (SAPC SW)


Cardiff, UK

Attendees: Dr Kate Greenwell and Dr Sam Hornsey


Dr Kate Greenwell and Dr Sam Hornsey represented the DISCA team at the South-West Society for Academic Primary Care annual conference held in Cardiff. Sam presented one of the DISCA studies, the interviews which were carried out with parents/carers of children with ADHD and sleep problems.


Many researchers and primary healthcare professionals were interested in the DISCA study and our intervention. There were many useful discussions about how we can better support families of children with ADHD and sleep problems, in primary care and with our intervention.


Sam H SAPC.jfif

Title: International Pediatric Sleep Association (IPSA)


Glasgow, UK

Attendees: Professor Cathy Hill, Dr Sam Hornsey, and Lucy Smith


Samantha presented findings from our qualitative interview study exploring parents/carers' experiences of managing sleep problems among children with ADHD.


She also presented 2 posterst:

  • A poster reporting on our review of the published evidence on what techniques help children with sleep problems

  • Ali's poster reporting on a consultation exercise with our parent advisory group regarding the best questionnaires to measure sleep in children with ADHD.


Lucy presented 2 posters about the work being led by the University of Nottingham, each looking at:

-whether ADHD symptoms inflate parents reporting of sleep difficulties in their children with ADHD

-the views of health professionals working with families of children with ADHD and sleep difficulties.


IPSA_Lucy poster 1 - whether ADHD symptoms inflate parents reporting of sleep difficulties

Title: Royal Society of Medicine (RSM)


London, UK

Attendees: Professor Cathy Hill


Cathy presented an overview of the DISCA study and preliminary findings from our qualitative interview study exploring parents/carers' experiences of managing sleep problems among children with ADHD.

Cathy RSM.jfif
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